Imagine walking to your university’s Job Fair and seeing four times as many companies as fellow students. Wouldn’t that be great? More like my worst nightmare. Times like this make me appreciate how easy it was graduating college in a recession. Nobody courted you with false hopes and unrealistic work/life balances. There weren’t fancy displays and videos. You just dusted off your nice clothes and promised anyone willing to listen how hard you’d work for them. Times have changed, and it’s no longer a privilege to get a competitive salary out of college.
If you are graduating with a Building Science or Engineering degree, you have companies clamoring for you in the most competitive job market in recent history. What does this mean for seniors in college? And how do they leverage the situation to make the best choice for where to start their career? Here are some tips to help you find the right match:
- Ask the Hiring Manager about work/life balance and be up front about your willingness to work weekends
- Understand the company’s turnover rate and where people go when they leave. Do they go to other GC’s?
- Request to speak with employees at that firm who graduated from your school
- Get a realistic idea of what the next 3-5 years will look like
- Be upfront about your travel restrictions
- Gain an understanding of what makes this company better than its direct competitors
- Ask the company what their training program looks like for new hires
Don’t be afraid to ask the hard questions. You’re trying to find the best place to start your career. It’s important for you to understand how that company is going to prepare and train you for the future. Leverage the job market to get more information, not more money!
Most Project Engineers leave in their first three years because they’re traveling too much or their career path is undefined – hash these aspects out before accepting a job. Companies will respect the fact that you’re methodical about making your decision. Anyone who rushes that process or doesn’t answer your tough questions is not the place for you.
If you’re struggling with company size (large vs. small), reach out to us. Wildcat Search Group is happy to help point you in the right direction. We want you to find a great place to start your career.